I remember my time in college and all the odd jobs I did to earn money. One of my first jobs was as a waiter at a pizza parlor. One of things I use to dread was working on a Sunday after church. The restaurant would be packed, which was great for pizza sales, however the tips were terrible! One could argue it was my service, doubtful since I rocked it as a waiter, but instead it was something much more dreadful...cheap people. On this point I have a couple thoughts.
1. If you can't afford to dine at a restaurant where a tip is required then don't go! That's what fast food places are for.
2. As I said before I dreaded working on Sunday's. Quite honestly the Sunday afternoon crowd was terrible at tipping and often creative in how they tipped. For instance, I remember having a family leave me a "track" instead of a tip. I've heard of recent events where a "track" which looks like money is left. Really? Not to long ago I was at a pizza place with my family and witnessed a table of 10 people with lots and lots of food. The tip left...$2.00. From what I saw the waitress worked her tail off. As far as testimony goes it's a sad one left for the waiter/waitress and often a turn off toward Christianity.
Be mindful, and tip according to service, but most importantly remember that these servers are hard working folks who deserve your respect and a well earned tip.