So there I was..tired...sleepy....and grouchy. My wife had gone to some yard sales early in the AM and it was her hope that I could sleep in on this lovely Saturday morn. Unfortunately the children had other plans. I still think that the children conspired against me but they insist this is not the case. 6:30 am strikes...there is a pat on my head...It's one of my daughters. "daddy, i spilled some orange juice..what should i do?" I looked around in hopes that I was still dreaming. However..this wasn't a dream...it was a nightmare. I looked at her and simply said, "clean it?" She looked at me as though i had just passed on some amazing piece of knowledge. The look was similar to that of Indiana Jones when he found the ark of the covenant.
I laid my head back down...15 min later my son taps my head. "daddy, can i watch tv in here?" I looked at him...at first my thoughts wavered to tackling him and then i came to my senses. "connor, did you see me sleeping?" He replied, "oh...i thought you were fake sleeping." So i turned on the tv while i tried to get some remnant of sleep.
A knock at the door...."dad!"...I looked up...it was the #2 child in command. "We're out of Cheerioes...can i open another box?" I knew at this point there was no turning back and I got up to prepare some pancakes and muffins. Now that i think about it...it seems like i played into their game plan...genius....pure genius.....