Saturday, October 4, 2008

Last Stand of the Parents....

There we were....the children were fighting....the yelling had increased from a low toned hum to a loud rumble of a locomotive. I was clearly getting upset and my wife's blood pressure was starting to rise and her facial expression started to develop a red tint. We started to snap at each other until something happened....something incredible...words of wisdom that can only be matched with with the wisdom that Master Yoda spout to aspiring Jedi. My wife looked at me and said, "honey, we can't snap at each other....we have to stay's us against them....and THEY CAN'T WIN!" That's right parents we're in charge not the children! It's important to let them know that as parents we can't be divided....that we're the one's who make the rules! That we....oh...gotta run....Megan wants me to run her bath...bye...

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