As all of my fellow crusaders understand I have tried for years to sleep, even if for a short amount of time. However, sleep continues to elude me. During the past 2 weeks I have been met with some major opposition. In short, let me describe the circumstances which have lead to my dillusions.
So there I was in bed...sleeping....sleeping...sleeping..suddenly a knock at the door and a small hands shakes me to wake. The 7 year old is at my bedside with what she considers an

emergency. "what's the problem I ask?" The 7 year old replies by asking, "i spilled my orange juice, what should i do?" A lot of thoughts went through my head. Most of them revolved around duct door..and an electric current that would shock anyone who touched my door knob. I asked her, "what do
you think you should do?" She looked though i had asked her to come up with some sort of quantum theory to prove that all smurfs are indeed sexless creatures....I digress. She replied with a simple answer, "i clean it up?" I stood up in applause..the angels sang and the heavens opened up.
The Sunday afternoon nap. No such thing my friends. There I was...napping on the couch. My wife did a wonderful job picking out the couch. It was comfortable and relaxing. I began to drift into a wor

ld where happiness meant not having to worry about urine soaked beds or booger faced children. (it's difficult to remove dry boogers!) So there i was..laying there...and suddenly it happened...BANG BANG BANG! I was being attacked by a 6 year old boy and his light saber. As i awoke I was met with a hailstorm of light saber sound effects and barrage of pummeling hard plastic. So..we battled...and...I lost. Oh well. Such is a day in the life of the crusader himself.
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