Friday, August 15, 2008

Our lil princess....a nap..and some makeup

Ah the nap. Millions of parents look forward to it and millions more crave it. The part of the day where the nap is the equivalent to a prisoner having 1 hour "outside" time. So, this is the story of of a lil girl named Megan. A 3 year old who is the youngest of the 6 children. A girl who believes that she was born a princess and continues to live with us so she can experience the life of a
commoner. Yes, this is the life of Megan. One day, around 1:00 in the afternoon we asked, not told, our young child that it was necessary to take a nap. She agreed to our surprise. About an hour into the nap we opened the door to our bedroom to notice she was talking to herself...she was singing "I'm so pretty." I thought it odd...until...i saw what had happened. Yes, she had gotten into mommies makeup drawer and took it upon herself to put lipstick and eyeliner all over her lil face. I do give her credit where credit is deserved...she put everything back in it's proper place! Oh well...I would type more but Megan is calling for me....i guess im suppose to draw her bath....

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Amazing Life of Me.....

My # 3 child came up to me and said I should write a blog entitled "The Amazing Life of Me". So I sat on this and wondered how amazing my life really was. Father to 6 kids, husband to an incredible wife, owner to a cool dog. I do live an amazing life. So, I went back to #3 and told her she was right and that I was going to write a blog about my amazing life. She stopped me and told me that she was talking about herself when she said that.....guess I'll start writing her life story in a few minutes....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Who to vote for?

Goodness, where does one start? Your lovable Crusader is having a tough time putting his thoughts together on who to vote for. Actually, the process is fairly similar to an episode of Fear Factor where i must decide on eating the cows liver raw or eating the maggots from the dead body of a rotting cat. Either way the experience wont be pleasant and in the end I'll end up getting sick. However, some key things are important when making an important decision such as this.

1. Most likely to lower my taxes: X McCain X Obama
Lets face it...what else would they say? Of course the government is 3 Trillion Dollars in the hole so why not LOWER the amount of taxes so the government can continue to spend more and when necessary give itself a raise. Makes great sense to me!

2. Which of the two candidates would win in a No-Holds Barred fight? Obama
The reality is McCain can't raise his arms due to the injuries he incurred while a POW. (Thanks goes to my office mate Mike who pointed this out). Because of this I give Obama the nod.

3. Less likely to have another nation go to war with us? Obama
The likely hood of Obama going to war is lessened due in part by his obvious skills in a no-hold brawl as demonstrated by the vicious hand to hand defeat of McCain in the cage. Honestly, who would want to take this warrior of a man on!?

4. Most likely to win a hot dog eating match? McCain
Hands down the winner goes to McCain. I envision these two guys up at the table...the gun goes off...and McCain goes straight to the hot dogs. During which time Obama starts talking about our dependence on foreign hot dogs and how we need to find a different source for hot dogs if we are going to prosper as a nation.

So there you go guys, a critical analysis of the upcoming presidential election. If we play our cards right Jesse Ventura may step up to the plate and how cool would it be to have a former Navy SEAL as president.....

Friday, August 1, 2008

A trip to the movies....

The crusader and his lovely wife celebrated 15 years of marriage last night! So, in the spirit of celebration we went out for dinner and a movie. On the way to the movies i had this terrible feeling hit my was the bathroom feeling. Well....certain universal OCD rules prohibit me from visiting the men's room. In fact, I'm certain that by even stepping foot in one I can lose my membership card. With this in mind I could not hold it any longer. So, i stepped into the men's room. When i walked in I was frightened by the fact that men i had seen using the stalls or urinals were walking straight out of the bathroom without stopping by the sinks! So, i ventured forth. I glanced at the urinals and thought, "I can make this quick." However, i took a gamble. The last time I used a urinal someone stood next to me and in a moment frozen in time looked at me and said, "hey". There is a slight possibility he actually said, "hey, how's it goin" but by that point i was suffering high anxiety and was trying to determine what his next move would be. Since the incident, I refer to as "The Nov 13 incident", I decided the urinal was not a good plan of action and moved to the stalls. Upon entering I noticed what I could only describe as the "ocean party of bacterial filth." In other words urine was all over the floor. I started to panic....i moved across the stalls and as i did i started to have visions in which toilets across the world decided to hunt me down as an annihilation of man kinds cruelness. I worked my way into the handicapped looked The rest is history. As I speak i can only tell you the total horror I have knowing that such a place exists....I'm hoping I have the nerve to leave this bathroom stall in the next couple of hours....