Friday, August 15, 2008

Our lil princess....a nap..and some makeup

Ah the nap. Millions of parents look forward to it and millions more crave it. The part of the day where the nap is the equivalent to a prisoner having 1 hour "outside" time. So, this is the story of of a lil girl named Megan. A 3 year old who is the youngest of the 6 children. A girl who believes that she was born a princess and continues to live with us so she can experience the life of a
commoner. Yes, this is the life of Megan. One day, around 1:00 in the afternoon we asked, not told, our young child that it was necessary to take a nap. She agreed to our surprise. About an hour into the nap we opened the door to our bedroom to notice she was talking to herself...she was singing "I'm so pretty." I thought it odd...until...i saw what had happened. Yes, she had gotten into mommies makeup drawer and took it upon herself to put lipstick and eyeliner all over her lil face. I do give her credit where credit is deserved...she put everything back in it's proper place! Oh well...I would type more but Megan is calling for me....i guess im suppose to draw her bath....

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