Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving...Will I get promoted this year?

So, another year of thanksgiving dinner and another year to answer an age old question asked by every teenager showing up at the Avila home..."Am I old enough to sit at the adult table this year?" This question is generally posed moments before dinner is to be served and generally leads into an argument which is followed by a small rebellion of 4-9 years old's who also believe that they should have a chair at the adult table. This is also followed by an argument, by the same 4-9 year old's, concerning voting rights and something to do about the age of drinking in SC. However, this is a separate matter all together. I've tried planning for this moment however how does one plan for disaster? Generally, if I set the bar to 14 years of age then the 13 year old will chime in that her birthday is in 2 months! So...just like last year...it looks like I'll be sitting at the kiddie table again...talking about Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers...yippee....

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