Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I witnessed history today....

Today was a historical day and I had the privilege of being part of it. As I look at this historic moment I can only imagine what my children's children will say about it. Stories will be told...tears will be shed. "Where were you" people will ask...."what was it like"......I'll simply reply "i sat back and watched history take it's course." And as I stand back and reflect I think to myself how awesome. Generations have prayed to witness a day such as this...today...it was my day. How wonderful to be a part of it...finally...the kids cleaned their rooms without being asked....


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Don't be afraid...

All comments are welcome :)

My Son....if only the other kids could figure it out.

The knights had a quest for the holy grail, some seek after bigfoot, other seek out the ever elusive Nessi in Loch Ness. I, however, seek after something more simple..sleep. This past weekend my wife and kids went to the beach so our 9 year old daughter could compete in a gymnastic tournament. My 6 year old son asked if he could stay behind and hang out with his dad. How awesome! We had a great time! The following day I was asleep in my bed and i heard the rocking chair in my bedroom making the usual noieses. I looked over and there was my son, rocking and reading a book. I looked at the time and I said, "Connor, you let me sleep in?" He looked at me with all certainty and said, "Thats what guys do." Wow...my son got it...why can't the 5 other girls? Oh well...for one moment in time I found my own holy grail. :)



Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Gotta love facebook.....

So the 13 year old didn't believe me when i told her i could access her facebook chat information. How unfortunate. As a reformed hacker from the glory days I felt it appropriate to have her understand that we monitor EVERYTHING. So, the lesson began. As she was on the computer chatting i grabbed the 7 year old and had her stand next to me with my laptop in front of me. The 13 year old was typing away on her facebook chat in close proximity. The 7 year old had some simple instructions, I would read as though I were the 13 year old and she would read the dialgue of the friend. We made it a bit of a theatre event as we acted our roles choosing to use method acting as our base. The 13 year old was in shock as we recited the conversation that she and her friend were currently having. Of course it also exposed how ridiculous their conversation is and how much time they wasted typing the same thing in 10 different ways. It's funny how much time teens spend on online chatting. It seems picking up the phone would be so much more productive. One last thought....as these kids use facebook....wait...I have to run....my wife is texting me.


Friday, January 9, 2009

A child's desire to date....

Greetings to all of my crusaders. I trust all of you had a good Christmas and a good new year. As the new year begins the problems that accompany it are not all that new....one of them being the topic of dating. For some reason the 13 year old resident of our home believes that she's ready to date. Ready? I like what Master Yoda once said to young Luke..."what know of you ready?" Of course, I understand the training of a Jedi is much different then that of 13 civilian whose only desire is to see how many flags she can steal on her facebook account. But, no matter what, I find great satisfaction that when the day comes and I interrogate the young boy who wishes to go on a "date" with my girls that I finally get to shine the swords in my basement and if I'm lucky have him place an apple on his head where i can demonstrate the sharpness of my sword. If fear is a motivator then indeed I may be looking forward to this dating thing after all :)

The Hispanic Crusader