Friday, January 9, 2009

A child's desire to date....

Greetings to all of my crusaders. I trust all of you had a good Christmas and a good new year. As the new year begins the problems that accompany it are not all that of them being the topic of dating. For some reason the 13 year old resident of our home believes that she's ready to date. Ready? I like what Master Yoda once said to young Luke..."what know of you ready?" Of course, I understand the training of a Jedi is much different then that of 13 civilian whose only desire is to see how many flags she can steal on her facebook account. But, no matter what, I find great satisfaction that when the day comes and I interrogate the young boy who wishes to go on a "date" with my girls that I finally get to shine the swords in my basement and if I'm lucky have him place an apple on his head where i can demonstrate the sharpness of my sword. If fear is a motivator then indeed I may be looking forward to this dating thing after all :)

The Hispanic Crusader

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