Friday, April 23, 2010

Exercising the understand the spiritual...

It's been about 9 months since i started this crossfit journey. Since that time I'm down almost 6 pants sizes. I wake up every morning and hit the gym at 5:00 am. I'm met by a group of people..all of them there for different reason..all of them there for different results. I know my reason and I know what I want the result to be. What I want to share with you are just a few moments where the physical journey met the spiritual......

* In week 2 my trainer advised me that my soda days were over. He told me to cut back...actually..he said "quit". I really didn't want to. I enjoy soda...I enjoy how cool it is and how refreshing it feels. I enjoy the taste....plainly...I like soda! But I heeded his advice and quit cold turkey. It's been 9 months since I've had a soda. I don't miss it and I feel 100% better. I almost exclusively drink water. Can you imagine how incredible your spiritual life would be if you quit "soda"? Quitting the things that make you spiritually overweight? Eating the things neccessary to keep our spiritual life healthy and most importantly exercising in such a way that we're exercising the spiritual muscles in your body.....Just some things to think about...

*On one run I ran behind the pack. The pack finished a full 1/2 mile before me. I kept trotting along and hoped I would not pass out...oh yeah...I was carrying a punching bag over my shoulder while I was doing this! As I continued on I heard these steps behind me. I turned around to see that it was one of my friends who had just finished the run. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Don't ever leave someone behind" she replied with a smile. And so she finished the 1/2 mile with me...together. How often do we carry something like a punching bag on our shoulder wishing we had someone come along side with us? I know I do! Being part of the body of Christ means we're each responsible to "run" along the side of someone who simply needs us there. I could preach a sermon here...but I'll spare you :)

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