Let me clarify some points in order to make my position clear. I am against illegal immigration. However, let's be clear, I am against illegal immigration for some very specific reasons.
- As a person with a rich history rooted in Mexico and crossing into Spain I know what Latino's are capable of. We are a people that do NOT deserve the crumbs of what society has to offer. When i hear and see Latino's working jobs for very little pay I see a culture that has singled out the Hispanic as a "below pay grade" culture. I know we're capable of great and wonderful things.
- Tougher laws and military presence at the border. Latino's are a hard working group of people. If brought in legally we can change the perception that people have of us.
- Tougher laws against those hiring illegals. Remove the element that equip illegals from crossing the border. Stiffin penalties and shut down businesses that do not comply. Here's the deal. We are not a culture that deserves the scraps laid before us by employers. We are a culture of hard working people who deserve the opportunities that this country has to offer..but..we need to change the perception and get to this country legally.
My disgust, as of late, has been the attitude that people hold toward illegals. As a Christian I am asked to love my neighbor....the Bible doesnt say love your "legal" neighbor but to simply love..your..neighbor. A lesson learned from our ole Sunay School days...
VERY well written Bill! I am in complete agreement! I've never really thought of it from this perspective.
(I guess Anita means what she says ;)
I too, think that Latinos are hard-working, brilliant, innovative people, and for us Americans to view them as some sort of substandard race really ticks me off! We have some wonderful Latino neighbors, on either side of us. Give-us-the-shirt-off-their-back type of people. What's wrong with treating others the way that we'd want to be treated? They do.
Great post, Bill.
Got me thinking (which may be dangerous).
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