Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mark Driscoll: Ashley's Tips for Daddys

Yesterday as Lauren and I were going out for dinner I noticed that "Perkins" was closed down. I'm not going to lie, and this might seem sappy, but I was really sad. Since the girls were very young I had taken them for breakfast at Perkins on our father/daughter dates. The girls would order their "Perky Bear Pancakes" and get chocolate all over their mouth and face. It was a place with a lot of good memories.

Dads, I'm not sure how many of you truly understand the role you play in your daughter's life. Daddy/daughter dates are so important. You set the precedent for the type of person they'll end up meeting some day...scary isn't it? Watch this lil blurb from Mark Driscoll...and...maybe you might want to consider some of Ashley's tips to daddy's....


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