Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Fitness Journey....

Almost 8 weeks ago i started a journey to improve my health, lifestyle, and longevity. I wasn't sure how to approach it. It had been a long time since I was in a gym and I felt like a novice....and in fact I was. I called a local gym and tried one of the training sessions. I was a bit skeptical because it didn't look like your typical gym. The first couple of days were intense...I felt pain EVERYWHERE. To be honest I could barely walk! I basically shuffled everywhere as though there were braces attached to my legs. It's been a journey of self discovery and mental resistance. During the past 8 weeks I've learned a lot about myself and it's helped strengthen my focus. I've also been blessed with a wonderful trainer. He's got my interest in mind and his desire to partner with me is a great motivator. The journey is just beginning...and honestly...I'm excited!

Bill Avila

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