Friday, July 25, 2008

Letters...We get letters....

Alright Crusader readers, it's time to read from the mail bag.

Dear Crusader, I just found your space by accident. I was in fact looking for a blog on the actual Crusades when your page popped up from
the blog search. Do you feel guilty misleading the readers by calling yourself a crusader when you really aren't crusading against anything? An accidental Reader

Wow...thanks for that email. In answer to your question. No..i don't feel guilty. In fact the crusade that i lead is against the forces that would otherwise take over my home and create a state of anarchy instead of the tribal bliss I have created in my own garden of eden. These forces range from 3 years of age to 13. Hope that answers your question.

Dear Crusade
r, I'm a part time fireman who is also Mexican. My wife is about to give birth to twin boys. What should i name them?

Mexican Firehouse

Thanks for the question and thank you for giving me the opportunity to name your two children. Since you are in deed Mexican and a fireman i would name your sons, Jose and Hose B. Thanks for the question!

Well gang keep the mail coming...The crusader loves to hear form everyone!

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