Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The waterbed....

As many people know the crusader enjoys his afternoon naps. One fine Sunday afternoon the Crusader was deep in sleep but oddly enough I was dreaming of crashing waves and beach sand. Suddenly, my dream began to stink as though an ocean liner of "stank" had fallen into the ocean. Awakening from this polluted dream I noticed my 3 year old daughter in bed with me. How cute, she wanted to nap with dad. However, my hand was wet...and...well...i smelled like the back end of a mall parking lot. Yes, she had in fact urinated in our bed. Gross. So, your crusader jumped into action to clean up the mess. I awoke from my slumber....analyzed the situation....and called for my wife. In moments like this it's important to call in the expert. I'm told by a great many people I will look back at this moment with great fondness. Until that time I will continue to remember my dream...a dream of sand and an ocean made of urine...

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