In the golden ages of time men would prove their manhood by sparring in friendly competitions of strength and endurance. Knights would joust in order to resolve issues the king wished no part of or perhaps it was the boredom of having nothing to do all day which caused to men to look at their joust and horses and say "why not?" Either way men knew how to draw a line in the sand and with a look say "come get some". In this 21st century jousting is no more instead, the battle field has
been drawn in a different way....lawn maintenance. Yes, Saturday mornings are the equivalent to the knights taking to the king's festival and showing their wares to the king and his lovely bride. A testament to manhood and their abilities to conquer and humiliate the competition. And just like the knights of old we wake up on Saturday morning and put on our lawn clothing (armor), fill up the lawn mower (feed the horse), walk up and down the lawn (jousting), weed wack (swinging our blade), and look to the deck for our wifes approval. I often tell my wife about the tales of my life as a knight. Fighting off bugs and waving off a passing neighbor who tries to distract me in conversation. My goal is simple, to win the heart of the queen and to let the other knights in my neighborhood know that MY lawn is better. Yes, the battle cries from taking care of my lawn are laced with sweat and tears. Sadly I cannot type anymore for I must take my leave for it is time to winterize my lawn....

The Hispanic Crusader